Monday 20 April 2020

Bounce Back

Bounce Back Way of life going forward will be:

What will change during the slow down:

1. Spend on luxury will come down drastically

2. Long-term / Capital expenditure such will be almost cut to nil

3. Lifestyle expenditure such as salary, rent, entertainment, travel will be minimised

4. Working capital will be under tremendous pressure.

5. People will shy away from taking credit/mortgages unless absolutely necessary 

6. Personalized services like hotel, the restaurant will take a longer time to recover 

7. Socialized and event-based business models like malls, cinemas, event halls will be a hard hit

8. New innovative business models around tech and AI will evolve

9. Businesses around cleanliness, waste management, medicines and affordable healthcare will grow

What will NOT change during the slow down:

1. People consumption on essentials will continue

2. Rise in Investment on ideas/technology solutions that will improve efficiency 

3. Businesses with healthy cash flow and minimum or no leverage will thrive

4. Rise in investment on spiritual / self-learning practices

5. Value for money products/services will shine

What you should do as an individual:

1. Hold back any luxury / high risk investments where visibility of returns is difficult to predict

2. Minimise expenditure on the routine stuff - keep a watch on your lifestyle spend - ask the question, is it really necessary!

3. Develop yourself on improving competency and skills to become more sharper and more efficient

4. Share the financial situation with your family members and educate them on the family financial position and the plans to improve

5. Invest - yes invest in right business models. Take risks based on thorough research. This is not the time to follow tips.

6. Spend more time with yourself. Yes, spend more time on things you missed during the race. Be it family, study, music, spirituality ...

What you should do as an Entrepreneur:

1. Take care of your employees. Be reasonable and transparent with them

2. Be in touch with your customers and suppliers, even more than before. Hear them well

3. Use the slow down to improve your processes

4. Invest in technology / systems that will accelerate your reach in adding value to your customers

5. Be frugal in working capital decisions and operating expenditure

6. Capital expenditure to be kept on hold unless there is clear visibility on the associated returns

7. This may be a time to restrategize. All your competitors are down. Good time to catch up with large players if you strategize right.

Nothing is constant

We are in an ever changing world and even this situation will change. Economy will shine again. Lets us get smarter by helping ourselves and be ready when economy Bounces Back.

हमसभी को आनेवाले दिनों मे सावधानी रखने के लिए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बिन्दु
1. विदेश यात्रा 2 वर्ष स्थगित रखें
2. बाहर का खाना 1 वर्ष न खाये
3. अनावश्यक शादी विवाह या ऐसे ही अन्य समारोह में न जाये.
4. अनावश्यक यात्रायें न करें.
5. कम से कम 1 वर्ष भीड़ भाड़ वाले स्थान पर न जायें
6. सोशल डिस्टैन्सिग का पूरा पालन करें.
7. जिस व्यक्ति को खांसी जुकाम हो उससे दूर रहें
8. मास्क का इस्तेमाल लगातार चालू रखें
9. वर्तमान एक सप्ताह में तो बहुत ही ध्यान रखें
10. अपने आसपास गंदगी न होने दे.
11. शाकाहारी भोजन को तरजीह दें.
12. अभी 6 माह सिनेमा, माॅल, भीड़ भाड़ वाले बाजार में न जाये | सम्भव हो तो पार्क, पार्टी, आदि भी अवाइड करें.
13. रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ाये
14. नाई, ब्यूटी पार्लर मे जायें तो बहुत ध्यान रखें
15. अनावश्यक मिलना जुलना कम रखें मिले तो सोशल डिस्टैन्सिग का ध्यान रखें
16. कोरोना का खतरा अभी इतनी जल्दी समाप्त होने वाला नहीं है



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