Tuesday 29 October 2024

Save Your Small Kids from -Babas -Crazy Gurus -Drugs -Games -Mobile

 Save Your Small Kids from


-Crazy Gurus




Here's a quick guide on how to protect young kids from potentially harmful influences:

  1. Strangers & Unverified Gurus:

    • Teach kids about "stranger danger" and to be cautious with unfamiliar people.

    • Emphasize that they should never go anywhere without letting you or a trusted adult know.

  2. Drugs:

    • Start early with age-appropriate conversations on the dangers of drugs and unknown substances.

    • Encourage open communication so they feel comfortable discussing any exposure they might have.

  3. Excessive Gaming & Screens:

    • Set clear limits on screen time and promote balanced activities, like sports or creative hobbies.

    • Encourage outdoor play and in-person social interactions with friends.

  4. Mobile Phone & Social Media Use:

    • Introduce mobile phones gradually and monitor their activity.

    • Educate them about internet safety, including the dangers of oversharing and interacting with strangers online.

Raising awareness, setting boundaries, and maintaining open communication are key to keeping young children safe and guiding them as they grow.

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