Tuesday 9 July 2019

Worksheet Day 13

11-12 = Portrait business women
12-1 = Pilot Openings in Greece
1-2 = find the institute which provide the pilots training and there e-mail id(out of india)
2-3 = LUNCH
3-4 = Pilot Openings in Greece
4-5 = What are the benefits of having a tough nut in an organisation
5-6 = Sharing All Post on Social Media And work on App promotions

11-12 = find the institute which provide the pilots training and there e-mail id(out of india)
12-1 = Pilot Openings in Finland
1-2 =  Lunch Break
2-3 =  Cabin Crew Openings in Finland
3-4 =  Quora Q and Ans
4-5 =  Airlines Openings in Finland
5-6 =  Sharing All Post on Social Media And work on App promotions

11-12 = find the institute which provide the pilots training and there e-mail id(out of india)
12-1 = Pilot Openings in Egypt
1-2 = Lunch Break
2-3 = Cabin Crew Openings in Egypt
3-4 = Quora Q and Ans
4-5 = Airlines Openings in Egypt
5-6 =Sharing All Post on Social Media And work on App promotions
DHANASHRI Chaudhary =
https://www.alfatravelblog.com/2019/03/book-my-car-taxi-Nashik.html(promotion in Nasik daily)
https://www.alfabloggers.com/2019/06/best-digi-training-services-nashik.html daily ( promotion in Nasik daily)
https://www.aircrewsaviation.com/2018/10/best-career-counsellor-in-your-own-city.html ( Promotion in Delhi and Indore daily)

https://www.alfatravelblog.com/2019/03/book-my-car-taxi-Nashik.html(promotion in Nasik daily)
https://www.alfabloggers.com/2019/06/best-digi-training-services-nashik.html daily ( promotion in Nasik daily)
https://www.aircrewsaviation.com/2018/10/best-career-counsellor-in-your-own-city.html ( Promotion in Delhi and Indore daily)

11-12 = How can one manage employee conflict in start-ups
12-1 = The concept of micro finance and its impact
1-2 = Portrait business women
2-3 = LUNCH
3-4 = Controlling operation of a company using corporate governance
4-5 = The influence of currency exchange rates on stock market
5-6 =Sharing All Post on Social Media And work on App promotions

11-12 = Portrait business women
12-1 = Is trade union advantageous for the employees or the employers?
1-2 = How e-commerce websites and businesses decide business profitability
2-3 = LUNCH
3-4 = What factors are responsible for business’s profit?
4-5 = Can effective leaders at workplace improve the overall productivity of the business?
5-6 = Sharing All Post on Social Media And work on App promotions

After Every Hr's Task please email to ALL eMail Ids


Please share all links on all Social Media After Work.  

Kindly NOTE that Interns who are NOT sharing Work on daily basis will NOT be Awarded Any Certificate of Internship. 

Soumya Parihar (BBA)
HR intern Aircrews

Sakshi Partani (MBA)
Aviation HR Intern

Soumya Parihar (HR Intern for International Collaboration)
AirCrews Aviation Pvt.Ltd. (India)
Contact Us- 9977513452

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